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Social network participation in the European Union

In these times of coronavirus pandemic, and due to the social distancing measures in force, people are connecting more often with others via social networks. In the European Union (EU) 54% of people aged 16-74 participated in social networks in 2019 in the last 3 months prior to the survey. The EU’s social network participation rate has steadily increased since the beginning of the data collection (36% in 2011).

Social network participation includes activities such as creating a user profile, posting messages or other contributions to social networks.

Among EU Member States, the social network participation rate was highest in Denmark (81%), ahead of Belgium (76%), Cyprus and Sweden (both 72%) and Malta (71%). At the opposite end of the scale, this share was below 50% in two Member States: France and Italy (both 42%).  

Among younger people in the EU aged 16 to 24 years, almost 9 in every 10 participated in social networks (86%). This share ranged from 73% in Italy and 74% in France to 98% in Cyprus. 

Among older people aged 65 to 74 years, almost one fifth (18%) participated in social networks. This share ranged from 9% in Bulgaria to 51% in Denmark. 

Eurostat, 30 June 2020